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The Amazing Adventure

…w his true idenity,but we, the audience do.With some rather unbelievable scen*]}*es Grants waltzes his way thru each one in his Cary Grant deboniair way,making it esp. intresting since i’d never heard of it.on a sacle of 1-5 i’d give it a 2.5 rating,and I am The Old Movie Expert Queen[on some things,ofcourse}Bring us some long lost W.C.FIELDS comedies.they’re never played on,nor is Fields given his due onTCM,only the standards.what about’MAN ON A FLYI

12 Angry Men

…th all previous comments. Thoroughly enjoyable. Fine drama portrayed by excellent cast. All roles expertly cast and all cast played the roles as intended…no improvising…how nice. Proper pronunciation and use of the English language. how nice. Profanity not used to make a point…how nice. Thank you for making it available. Everyone always clothed…how nice Vanja Teach ethics in modele school. Often organize eorkshops in class. We watched this…

Buster Keaton: The General

…movie actors! Action moved right along. Nice to see 1860’s period depicted from a time only about 60 years removed from the Civil War. Bill Thank You One of Busters Finest ! may part of it is true orin marsh This kept me in suspense all the way through. it was very well done. even after 100 years!! Keshav Kumaar I love this movie… hsaa hsaa k maar diya es movie ne… lol ujjal One of the best film I ever watched… r bala where is the download…

Small Back Room

…is worth your while with a touch of romance,mixed with some nail biting scen*]}*es thanks for your survice Nick tg Lovely film with a good cast David R Very good movie – a classic of its time, but I think it still works extremely well. The acting was perfect and the script was, too. Of course, Michael Powell knew how to direct like a pro. Marvelous enjoyed very much Heddinger, R. A. Excellent, we should believe in ourselves no matter, Father God will

Glen Or Glenda

…d have been a very good “education” film. I know it has better production values than the SEX-ED films I had to watch at school in the early 1970’s… and way better filming / production techniques than some of the TV shows at the same time (1953) the film came out – like Highway Patrol for example. Thanks for showing this Film, Maybe i am one of few who really enjoy this movie because I love History, Old Movies and Science – and this has all thre…

Topper Returns

…n’t watch them, such a shame karl zorn very good movie, superb plot and excellent actors! Llew Lots of fun! Haven’t seen a Topper film in years though it was standard fare in our household as I came up over 50 years ago. This site is a great find. Good quality. Lisa This movie was very entertaining, Great!!! teddy great movie just dont make them like this anymore…thanx admin anymore topper films be appreciated greatly thanx.. Carolynr king I lov…

The Kennel Murder Case

…f other films here at B&W Movies. You have a great website and I’ve told several friends about it as well. Please keep posting more great movies for us all. Jim Glad you’re enjoying the site Jim! More movies to come soon! Paul Great web site “The Kennel Murder Case” Was a lot of fun. You can’t go wrong with Philo Vance???? tony Fine movie. Kathy This was delightful. I am a long time fan of these classic movies and your website! This…

Ma & Pa Kettle On Vacation

…cell phones or emails. Good fun! mickle An hr’s worth of time travel, Priceless. if all lifes a circle it’ll be great when fast snappy dialog moral plot lines & real effects come back. Carmel Sierra Schneider I can’t tell you people just how much I love Ma and Pa I hadn’t laughed so hard in such along time thank you I needed a good laugh . Would really love to watch more of their movies many more…. daniels Wonderful. Took me back in time. Lovel

The Intruder

en killed and there would have been no epiphany moment for the mob. Nevertheless, a brave film for its time and particularly relevant today. Anonymous Nothing hasn’t changed, since this movie was made. Just a lot of cover ups and pretense. I couldn’t watch all of the movie because I didn’t want to start hating people for their ancestor’s. stupidly. We will be fighting this mess until the end of time. Zelm Terrible movie. A very distorted view of t…

Cause for Alarm!

…ctions/words of her sick-mentally distraught husband, right to the final scen*]}*es. What a fine actress. A glimpse into the World of the 40’s (a few years after WWII) and home life without TV, air-conditioning, doctors making house calls, neighbors, children playing, stick shift autos, etc. Highly recommend this movie. No violence either. bonnie sanders I love this movie, it’s as if you are Experiencing Loretta Young’s character’s Anguish. Love the t

Angel on My Shoulder

…everything a good movie needs.good acting,writing,romance comedy,and all delivering on point.I enjoyed it from beginning to end.thanks! Peabotz I have seen this movie numerous times on television, but never caught it from the beginning. A very good movie. Paul Muni and Claude Rains were good together. It’s funny seeing Claude Rains playing the devil, when he plays an angel in “Here Comes Mister Jordan”. So many great actors and actresses are gone…


…there not a better version of this movie? the audio quality is on some sequences very poor Not that I’m aware of but I’ll check! jeff where is the download button? Right above the “more about” section. phyphy It was a bit of froth that I enjoyed. I was wondering how tall Gloria Swanson was. cindy Nice movie. Interesting portrayal of what Holly wood put forth as how the wealthy lived during the time everyone else had har…

Romance of the Limberlost

…so is this movie which was based on a book written by a lady author who eventually moved into the territory of ‘Limber Lost’, built a house and wrote other book-stories about life and the folks there. It’s a story. Dale W. Cindy I enjoyed this movie. Sometimes it is enjoyable to view an uncomplicated story that is more like a small treat than a heavy, edgy movie. I can always find something that i enjoy on this site. Andy Ah! What a wonderful mov…

Beyond Tomorrow (Beyond Christmas)

saludos,deseo ver las peliculas en español.gracias. It’s on my to-do list! anonymous This has some profound messages. Are we to cynical to accept the possibilities of faith, making amends, and happy endings? smilealotmore What a lovely film I really enjoyed it G Moore My 3rd favorite Christmas film. Oma on 49th Enjoyed very much. Not at all what I expected. All characters well acted…perfect choice for their respective parts. Good…

Green Eyes

very good old classic would like to see a liker with my husband thank you BellaMia I enjoyed this movie. I totally recommend it. TK Poor audio, but movie is decent. Andy Most entertaining. mickle Great old estate, showing the end of the lifelong devoted domestic.Films between the world wars show the changing tide,entittled no longer meant not accountable.Though many were warning or lookout for spys & bad guys.there is always rm for a family murder…

Fog Island

…ut why no casablanca? Hi Eithne, Casablanca’s copyright was renewed. The current copyright owner thought they would continue receiving royalty from the movie for years to come because of its popularity. Best, BNW ev this is my favourite old movies website and the best to date – have seen some excellent movies that i have not seen before . keep up the good work Debs Absolutely love this site, nothing better than settling down to a bla…

The File On Thelma Jordon

…s drunk for the first fifteen he died young from alcoholism. Helen The spoilers are all in the “more about.” I’m glad I didn’t read that before watching the movie. Otherwise a great movie, they don’t make ’em like that anymore! Glad it didn’t spoil your movie! barb classic stanwyck, love her. Enjoyed the film. William B Not a bad drama for 1950.Barbara Stanwyck shines as usual. Rhonda I tried to download The File of Thel

Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel

…Blakeney was one of the few who rescued French noble men and women from the guillotine. His wife is worried about him and makes him promise that he will stop his rescue attempts and never return to Paris. Robespierre and his henchmen are determined to capture Blakeney and introduce him to their guillotine. They decide to kidnap his wife in hopes that he will try to rescue her, leaving himself open to their attack. Will they all face the guillotine…

49th Parallel / The Invaders

…EVER GOOD Gina jeffrey Great to see these wonderfully entertaining and timeless titles,they are a fascinating record of how we lived only a short time ago, and it’s so different now. Gordon Walters Some good acting,some overacting,but altogether a brilliant wartime thriller. THANKS ..mUCH APPRECIATED ..GREAT MOVIE Elizabeth Wright Brilliant film!! Paul Ellenbogen One of my all time favorites Christopher Myers Great propaganda movie. Germans faile…

Father’s Little Dividend

…beginning to end!! Cindy Wonderful movie no matter how many times I watch it. Wonderful period of times past. Can’t beat the talented actors of the past….