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One Too Many

…Plump’s rich uncle is coming for a visit because he so wanted to meet his wife and kids. And everything would be perfectly fine — if Plump actually had a wife and kids to begin with. Can a bachelor become a family man in less than a day?…

The Girl from Calgary

…Fifi works as a singer in a bar, until she meets a your man who, impressed by her talent, offers to take her to New York with him where she would become a Broadway star. And so they do, however competition there will be harsh – for both of them!…

Bee’s Buzz

…A very entertaining short film! This silly, fast paced movie is bound to make you laugh so hard that you’ll cry!…

Fighting Caravans

…Felice wants to travel west to California. Bill and Jim trick her into thinking that she can only join the wagon train if she is together with a man. They propose that she helps them free their friend Clint from jail and in return he would travel with her to California. On the way they approach dangerous Indian grounds and Clint offers to lead the wagon train through. Was Felice lucky to join the caravan or was this whole trip a really bad idea?…

Let’s Get Tough

…The The East Side Kids, disappointed that they can’t join the war, decide to take it out on a store owner they believe is Japanese. Their strike is successful however the store owner is found dead… The kids decide to start their own investigation after discovering that he was actually Chinese, not Japanese….

Atom Age Vampire

…Jeanette is a beautiful woman… until her face is disfigured in a car crash. All doctors say it’s hopeless except Professor Levin. He has a secret formula which can make tissue regenerate. Unfortunately the formula isn’t permanent and the ingredients to make it are quite hard to find….

The Amazing Mr. X

…Christine Faber lost her husband in a car crash two years ago, however she still hears his voice sometimes. She starts seeing a spiritualist who say he can connect her with her husband. Does he genuinely want to help her or is he just another person from the list of people who want the window’s fortune?…

Mark of the Avenger (The Mysterious Rider)

…Military governor Commander Larocca fears that Count Dimorna has discovered the truth about the origin of the commander’s Swiss accounts. Larocca needs to make a decision… and fast!…


…J. Carrol Naish works as an optometrist in San Francisco. Carrow is actually a WWII Nazi spy. While walking on the San Francisco waterfront at night, someone steals his book which decodes Nazi spy code. Carrol teams up with John Carradine another Nazi agent in an effort to find the thief and take the book back….

Phantom Cowboy

…Bill discovers that he have a lookalike, the Phantom cowboy. Not only is his lookalike involved with bank robberies, he also has a gang of cowboys led by Buck on his tracks……


…mkin”. Eisenstein developed the film technique of Montage and in both these films it is used to powerful effect. As you watch these you will see where later directors copied these techniques. These are two of the greatest films ever made. Even if you are not a student of film these are worth the watching. Sheryl Titcomb-Gilbert Loved it!…

Rock Rock Rock!

…Dori is a high school student deeply in love with Tommy. Tommy, however, is just starting his journey on the road to fame which is slowly but surely leading him away from Dori. How far will she go in her attempts to get Tommy to like her again?…

Three Broadway Girls

…ut it was to over the top. Boring Guy I love it! Joan Blondell is soooooo talented! Christopher Myers Three ditzy girls loose on the streets of New York. Superb writing but the plot was way too deep for me to follow. I guess it’s one of those movies that one has to watch several times to understand the hidden societal impact, whatever that may be in this case. This was right after the roaring 20’s. Perhaps something about low necklines? I don’t kn…


…When all performers in a theater decide to go on strike, it’s up to the backstage workers to keep the show going! Hilarious!…

Kid Dynamite

…Mugs McGinnis, leader of the East Side Kids, is about to fight in a boxing match. He gets kidnapped right before the match and one of his friends, Danny, takes his place and wins, putting himself right on top on the list of suspects!…