Search Results for "Charles Reisner"

Ma & Pa Kettle On Vacation

…Ma and Pa Kettle are on vacation in France with the parents of their daughter in law. A sure recipe for disaster and lots of laughter!…

International Crime

…Lamont Cranston is an amateur detective and radio talk show host. During one of his shows he reluctantly reports that a robbery will take place at the theater that evening. After his show the police gets ready for an ambush at the theater while at the same time a bank is robbed on the other side of town. Lamont is in deep trouble. How is he going to get out of this?…

Tomorrow’s Youth

…After learning that her husband Thomas is cheating on her, Ellen takes her son Junior and leaves for her home town. She decides to file for separation instead of divorce since it’s a less stressful process however it makes Junior’s life more difficult since he now has periodically live with his selfish father……

Jim Hanvey, Detective

…Detective Jim Hanvey is asked to investigate an emerald heist however he declines. Ironically, soon the culprits are at his doorstep too, only they are asking for protection from the thugs that are now trying to get the emeralds from them!…

Go for Broke!

…Lieutenant Michael Grayson has great desire to fight in the war against Japan. He gets assigned to lead a battalion of Nisei, who look like Japanese to him. Full of disappointment and anger, the lieutenant is very harsh to his soldiers. Can he change before they reach the front or will his ignorance lead his men into certain death?…

Murder on the Campus

…Malcom Jennings is murdered on campus. The school newspaper reporter, Bill Bartlett, saw how it happened but not who did it. He does his best to help the police but that’s not enough. Bill decides to investigate on his own since he can dig for clues unnoticed by most people, unlike the detectives. Can Bill solve the mystery and find the killer?…

Hell’s House

…Jimmy has chosen a wrong idol to look up to – bootlegger Matt Kelly. When the police raid Matt’s operation, Jimmy ends up taking the blame because he refuses to tell the cops that Matt is running the show. Jimmy gets sent to a correctional facility, a place notorious for its inhumane conditions. It’s a matter of life and death for Jimmy to escape and show the world what is happening there, however Matt isn’t willing to help……

Rainbow’s End

…Neil Gibson’s father doesn’t appreciate his success as a rodeo star. When Neil starts working at a competing ranch he can finally show his father what he’s made of….

Hell Town

…Dare Rudd and his friend Dink decide to leave town and travel to Dale’s wealthy cousin Tom, hoping to get a piece of his pie. It doesn’t take long for Dare to try to get his hands on Tom’s girlfriend too. Without many options Tom gives Dare the worst job he can offer him – selling his cattle to shady buyers….

Marked Trails

…Harry asks his nephew Bob to join him on his search for a notorious couple committing series of crimes. Bob declines and later Harry is killed. It’s up to Bob and his friend Hoot to bring the murderers to justice!…

Escape By Night

…Josephine is the girlfriend of a gangster who has many enemies. Nick is a new guy in town but when he sees that several mugs are trying to kidnap her, he rushes to her rescue. Thankful that he didn’t lose his girlfriend, the gangster hires Nick to work for him. On their first job together, Nick, Josephine and two mugs end up hiding in a small country town which offers them a new future… Every good thing, however, requires hard work!…

Jamaica Inn

…Mary is looking for her aunt who she think is living with a gang of pirates who are pillaging ships that pass by the Jamaica Inn. As Mary soon finds out, the pirates are no friendly crowd. Now she has to find a way out for both her aunt and herself….

Waltzes From Vienna

…Schani, Johan Strauss Jr., has fallen in love with the daughter of the town’s baker. While he is playing music for her, the Countess overhears and decides to hire him to write a song for her. Schani’s girlfriend doesn’t approve of him working for the Countess… What will he do?…


…While waiting for her husband to come back from a war prison, Janet witnesses a murder and falls into a shock so badly that she can’t even recognize her husband. She is sent to a psychiatrist who can help her recover however he has other, more sinister things in mind……


…Walter is a successful businessman who lives with his unhappy wife. Never pleased with him, always wanting more, she decides to have her lover, Torrence, kill Walter. Torrence takes on the task however things don’t go as planned……

Seven Sinners

…Harwood is an American detective who is called to help solve a case involving series of train wrecks in Britain….

Whistle Stop

…When Mary was younger she was in love with Kenny, a guy who doesn’t care much about having a nice job or education. Years later when Mary returns to her home town, Kenny is still in the same state. She gets a nice bouquet from Lew, owner of the hotel in town. Lew already had enemies and courting Mary happened to be the last drop in the cup……

Charlie Chaplin A Burlesque On Carmen

…Officer Darn Hosiery is in a touch spot. His career requires that he is harsh with the local gypsy who constantly cause problems. His heart, though, knows a different story. Hosiery is in love with a popular gypsy woman, so deeply in love that he is willing to do just about anything for her……

Charlie Shanghaied

…Charlie Chan arrives in Shanghai but the joyful celebration can’t hide the fact that he is not wanted there. Within no time, two attempts are made on his life……

Buster Keaton: The General

…Johnnie Gray tries to enlist with the Confederate Army in the beginning of the American Civil War, but is rejected because his job is a train engineer and he is much needed during the war. His girlfriend assumes that he didn’t want to support the Confederacy and refuses to ever speak to him again. It so happens that Johnnie’s train, The General, is hijacked by the Union and he finally gets a chance to show what he’s really worth!…