Search Results for "Charles Reisner"

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

…The fascinating story of Dr. Jekyll, inventor of a potion that can separate a man’s good and bad parts. The transformation allows a man’s bad part to do what it pleases while the good part stay unaffected. It doesn’t take long before Dr. Jekyll’s double life creates more problems than it solved….

Secret Agent

…Gielgud and Carroll are secret agents sent by “R”, head of the British Intelligence, on a secret mission in Switzerland. They have to work with agent Lorre to complete the mission but events don’t always go as planned……

The Sheik

…Lady Diana Mayo is an adventurous woman whose curiosity gets her abducted by Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan. The Sheik wants her to be his wife but she isn’t fond of the idea. Diana makes many unsuccessful attempts to escape. As time goes the Sheik starts to trust her and lets her go out with his guards to protect her. Unfortunately, the outlaw Omair kills the guards and takes Diana to his stronghold. Will the Sheik save her?…

Beyond Tomorrow (Beyond Christmas)

…One of the first Christmas movies ever made! Michael and George are partners in a design firm, working hard to finish a project on time. Later in the evening they are supposed to enjoy a party at a mansion where none of the guests show up. They have a crazy idea about how to get more guests to join them. How will that work out?…

His Double Life

…Priam Farrel’s paintings are famous throughout England but his appearance is unknown to most, even his close relatives. When his servant dies, Priam takes his identity and lets people to think the artist is dead. He was aiming at at simple life away from too much attention from others but that might not be the case….

Trail Riders

…The Range Busters, Dusty, Alibi and Dave, are called to help the town of Gila Springs, Arizona. The town has been having problem with robberies, and the Marshal’s son was killed in the last one. Unfortunately, their arrival at Gila Springs isn’t welcomed by the locals….

Night Train To Munich

…Axel Bomasch is an important scientist who is working on new armor for the Allied forces. When the Nazi invade Prague Axel attempts to flee with his family to England however his daughter is captured. Knowing that his daughter in held hostage because of his work, how is he going to keep the sensitive information he knows away from the enemy and save his daughter’s life in the same time?…

Bulldog Drummond Escapes

…Detective Hugh Drummond is coming back to London to celebrate the birth of his ex-partner’s child. On the way to their meeting spot, Drummond comes across a damsel in distress, Phyllis. Her driver is dead and she is close to going insane. It’s up to Drummond to figure out whether what’s happening with Phyllis is just a series of unfortunate events or there is something more sinister going on….

The Great Saint Louis Bank Robbery

…George Fowler’s days as a college football star are long over and he’s looking for alternative sources of income… namely robbing a bank. What’s even worse is that he has had a relationship with the sister of one of his partners in crime….

The Great Train Robbery

…A short film about a group of bandits trying to rob a train. This film is famous for the innovative techniques used to make it, including camera movement and composite editing….

Aces and Eights

…Aces and Eights is know as the death hand after the murder of gambler Wild Bill Hickok, who was holding the hand when he was killed. Madigan continue playing in his place but quickly gets involved in another murder and the marshal puts the blame on him. Madigan takes for the border looking for refuge but his gambling problems easily follow him across the border….

Devil Riders

…Tom Farrell starts a stagecoach line to Mesa City. The new line competes with Billy Carson’s pony express. Instead of becoming hostile towards Tom, Billy fights off the first attach on the stagecoach. Tom and Billy become quite friendly until someone starts sabotaging their business……

Lying Lips

…Elsie is a nightclub singer who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Found at a murder scene, she is arrested and will be charged with murder. A friend of her whom she had been helping has been studying to be a detective but will his skills and knowledge be enough to save her?…

The Fatal Hour

…Bill Street is a homicide detective investigating the death of his colleague Dan Grady. Dan was killed while working on the trail of a smuggler operation in Chinatown. One of the only clues is a rare jade figure found in the dead detective’s desk……

The Devil Diamond

…Detective Jerry Carter is assigned to protect the The Devil Diamond, a stone that’s worth a fortune and is believed to be cursed. Whether it’s a curse or just plain old greed, the diamond has become the target of a gang of thieves, hired by none other than……

Roar of the Press

…Wally and Alice are newlyweds, ready to enjoy the rest of their life together. Wally works as a reporter for the Globe and he tends to put his job on highest priority. This seems like a great thing that will keep the family financially stable however when Wally stumbles upon a corpse outside a building he immediately gets involved in the dangerous case……

Symphony of Living

…Just before Adolph Greig’s solo violin performance at the Cosmopolitian Orchestra, his right hand is injured and his dream – shattered. He becomes unable to play and his own children abandon him as they no longer see the financial benefits from staying near him. Destroyed both financially and emotionally, how is Greig going to get his life back?…

Haunted Ranch

…The Range Busters were just about to take their vacation when a new task is handed to them – to find the loot which the outlaw Reno Red stole from the Denver Mint and hid somewhere in his ranch….

Earthworm Tractors

…Alexander Botts’ fiance will not marry him unless he shows that he can be a successful salesman. He decides to attempt to close a huge deal for the Earthworm Tractors company. While his actions lead only to destruction and embarrassment, this might be just what was needed to close the deal!…

Charlie Chaplin – The Pawnshop

…Charlie is working at a pawnshop. He is doing a great job keeping the merchandise safe, making sure no one steals anything and carefully examining all items people are bringing to the shop….