"Go for Broke!" (1951) - Watch and Download Free!

Lieutenant Michael Grayson has great desire to fight in the war against Japan. He gets assigned to lead a battalion of Nisei, who…

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Genre: Drama, War.

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More about Go for Broke! (1951)

BnWMovies.com 4.1
  • Summary:   Lieutenant Michael Grayson has great desire to fight in the war against Japan. He gets assigned to lead a battalion of Nisei, who look like Japanese to him. Full of disappointment and anger, the lieutenant is very harsh to his soldiers. Can he change before they reach the front or will his ignorance lead his men into certain death?
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Drama, War
  • Directed by:   Robert Pirosh
Go for Broke! (1951) Go for Broke!
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"Go for Broke!" (1951) Cast:

  • Van Johnson - Lieutenant Michael Grayson
  • Lane Nakano - Sam
  • George Miki - Chick
  • Akira Fukunaga - Frank
  • Ken K. Okamoto - Kaz
  • Henry Oyasato - Takashi Ohhara
  • Harry Hamada - Masami
  • Henry Nakamura - Tommy Kamakura
  • Warner Anderson - Colonel Charles W. Pence
  • Don Haggerty - Sergeant Wilson I. Culley
  • Gianna Maria Canale - Rosina
  • Dan Riss - Captain Solari


  1. Great movie! Thanks

  2. Enjoyed this film very much.

  3. Enjoyable and interesting war movie with both action and some light touches.

  4. Good flick. Not politically correct in a lot of ways by today’s standards but did make a strong anti racism statement for 1951.

  5. Go for Broke was an outstanding movie. Shows that racial prejudice was alive then and is still alive today .

  6. People of today should become aware of how we have gotten to where we are today not on race and color of skin!

  7. Is there anybody recall a movie…
    Where a celibrity planted in neighbouring hill country. He built friendship with the major military commander and reveals the secrets to his country through Mars code

  8. I often wonder when a person who is prejudice watches a movie such as this or others movies with even a stronger dialogue of the same topic gets it.really really gets it.I hope at least some do.and as for the movie,I enjoyed it very much with good comic and dramatic acting.thanks once again.

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