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Blue Steel

…Jake is the sheriff of Yucca City. He’s after the Polka Dot Bandit who has been committing crimes throughout town. while Jake is sleeping at a hotel, the hotel gets robbed by the Bandit. A man named John is suspiciously looking around the crime-scene and Sheriff Jake takes this as a clue and starts following him to find out why he was so very interested in the robbery……

Charlie Chaplin’s “Mabel’s Strange Predicament”

…The Tramp is excessively drunk, trying to find his room at a hotel. In the hallway he meets Mabel who is locked out of her room. Eventually they end up in the worst room ever – the room of an old man with an extremely jealous wife who seems Mabel hiding under the bed!…

Bird of Paradise

…. not the usual Hollywood ending. Very good movie. Thank you Dixie These r all great films you have here Christopher Myers A tale of true love on an unspoiled lush island of South Pacific splendor. Far better fare than the later junk of, for instance, “Oklahoma,” “Wizard of Oz,” “Rear Window,” or “Marty.” I give it two thumbs up and a retroactive nomination for an Oscar for Best Picture of All Time. The Montague and Capulet kids were pikers compar…

International Crime

…Lamont Cranston is an amateur detective and radio talk show host. During one of his shows he reluctantly reports that a robbery will take place at the theater that evening. After his show the police gets ready for an ambush at the theater while at the same time a bank is robbed on the other side of town. Lamont is in deep trouble. How is he going to get out of this?…

My Favorite Brunette

…g cast is just as good – from the cute China mom and son, the magnificent, elegant and alluring Dorothy Lamour – who can be just as funny as Bob – and Peter Lorre playing the ultimate evil imp. Also, to top it off- Alan Ladd does make an appearance – put him back on the credits! The fact that the REAL TOUGH GUY would take time to cameo in a sappy Hope comedy shows just HOW COOL Alan Ladd is!!! Julie it is a great movie wish there were more like th…

Paradise Isle

…ow much I love it. I enjoyed the whole movie and I feel the acting was well done. Thank you for showing it. Christopher Myers I did not find this nearly as true to life as “Bird of Paradise” where the islanders spoke their native tongue and lived by their age-old beliefs and rituals. Here all is Anglicized and choreographed and the plot is thin with the creepy dishonorable white trader doing his best to enrich himself at the expense of the indigen…

Carnival of Souls

…If you continue through the entire film, you will notice the depth of several coinciding characters and the way each identity adds to the story. It is a stunning visual piece until the very end. In my opinion, it was a film way ahead of its time. anand sharma jhansi Superb movie Betty Young A rare special cinema creation where the story focusses on the main character. She was awesome and so were the supporting actors and actresses. I truly enjoyed…

Things to Come

…y with power, greed, money and religious ideology . This surely was a crystal ball movie with a discerning look into the future. This could happen today, tomorrow or next year. DALE R: This movie,thou not a great movie ,the effort put into it by all involved for its time I very much appreciated all of that there’s a lot to be said for risk takers,and this is just the beginning of that dialogue thanks for making it available joe west-brown To under…

In Which We Serve

…brilliantly woven story with plenty. Of characters you care about and so well acted by all.a must see thanks!!! Dale r. Brilliantly woven story with fine acting by all a must see thank you Andy I have watched this movie a dozen times , and it always makes me feel so patriotic, God bless the Queen and Great Britain ? Martin I’m 96 and was skipper of a landing craft at Normandy on D day. As an American in England at that time i’ll never forget the…

Paradise in Harlem

…Lem Anderson is an actor whose dream is to play Shakespeare’s Othello. By chance he witnesses a gang murder and soon he is forced to leave town. His heart is broken and his dreams shattered. What can he do to get his old life back?…

Paradise Canyon

…Dr. Carter who has done time for a past counterfeiting offense is again a suspect in a new counterfeiting case. Regardless of his past, Carter has become a law-abiding citizen and he now runs his own traveling medicinal show. Agent John Wyatt is on the case. He joins the medicinal show crew hoping to work undercover until he find proof that will incriminate Dr. Carter again……

His First Flame

…Harry is a young man eager to find love. Regardless of his uncle’s warnings and having fallen in love, he keeps running after Ethel who might not be the right girl for him. Watch this refreshing comedy to find out how Harry will find his true love!…

Attack! The Battle for New Britain

…he undergrowth, advance through the swamp forest of New Britain, optimistically called damp flat on the maps they used. Dagua Aba papua new guinea Freedom comes after a lot of sacrifices Freedom comes after a blood is shed Freedom is earned at a cost of a life Men had sacrificed their lives and shed their blood to give us the freedom we have have today. I watched this movie with tears rolling in my eyes Dillon It is truly amazing what that generat…

Tess of the Storm Country

…A classic drama made after a highly successful novel. This movie tells the story of Tess, a squatter living on the land of the wealthy Elias Graves. Elias has a beautiful house on top of a hill. Tess and her friends and family are barely surviving by fishing illegally on the bottom of the hill. Elias has sworn to rid his property of the squatters but his son, Frederick, thinks differently about them and especially about Tess….

Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel

…to capture Blakeney and introduce him to their guillotine. They decide to kidnap his wife in hopes that he will try to rescue her, leaving himself open to their attack. Will they all face the guillotine?…

The Phantom Fiend (The Lodger)

…ar, It’s a blast. Thanks for saving it, making it available and showing it. Great Job, dale Jacquie I just read the other review for this movie. I thought it was perhaps me and my hearing, but this is really awful to try and interpret, as the soundtrack is really bad. I cannot make out, always, what it is they are saying. But, I do love old movies, esp. from other countries, so I’m going to suffer thru…I’m just appreciative of the fact this is a…

Ma & Pa Kettle On Vacation

…m AJ Loved it! Wish they made more of these! Thank you so much for the nostalgic feeling of a past with no cell phones or emails. Good fun! mickle An hr’s worth of time travel, Priceless. if all lifes a circle it’ll be great when fast snappy dialog moral plot lines & real effects come back. Carmel Sierra Schneider I can’t tell you people just how much I love Ma and Pa I hadn’t laughed so hard in such along time thank you I needed a good laugh . Wo…

Miracle on 34th Street

…gain. daniels Loved it! Thanks ever so much. Larry Long Loved it! Larry Long This is not the famous movie made in 1947 but rather a beautifully made 1955 tv show. How television, as well as our civilization, has declined since then! Rob van in 2020 merry x mas all keep the faith…

Renfrew of the Royal Mounted

…Sergeant Renfrew is up against a gang of counterfeiters who are shipping fake US dollars from Canada. Luckily for him, their engraver has found an ingenious way to send out a message for help. Now it’s all up to Renfrew!…

Beyond Bengal

…A documentary about wild Asia. Quite picturesque as well as frightening at times. Not for those with a light heart, may not be appropriate for your children….