Download "Bird of Paradise" (1932) for free!
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Great b/w movie. not the usual Hollywood ending.
Very good movie. Thank you
These r all great films you have here
A tale of true love on an unspoiled lush island of South Pacific splendor. Far better fare than the later junk of, for instance, “Oklahoma,” “Wizard of Oz,” “Rear Window,” or “Marty.” I give it two thumbs up and a retroactive nomination for an Oscar for Best Picture of All Time. The Montague and Capulet kids were pikers compared to the lustful del Rio and McCrea. I did have a little trouble with the foreign language but with concentration I was able to get the gist of what the islanders were trying to convey. Thank you for this impressive South Sea saga. Much better than the weak storyline of “Rain” which came out the same year. Perhaps I did embellish my review a tad, but I did watch it to the very end. I love your site. Thanks