Search Results for "Charles Reisner"

Cottage to Let

…Mrs. Barrington’s cottage has become a home away from home for many people during the war. His hospitality is welcomed by all, but housing so many different types of people in the same place will eventually cause issues……

Fit for a King

…Virgil is a reported at the New York Daily Blade sent to follow a wealthy man, Archduke Julio, who is supposed to be the target of an assassin. Even though the Blade doesn’t believe that the assassination threat is real, Julio is nearly killed by a bomb and Virgil get sent on a trip to follow him in Europe. But what sort of activities could a man as rich as Julio possibly do in Europe?…

Heading for Heaven

…The Elkins have lived in the town of Elkinsville for three generations! So far they have not sold any of the land which they own on the east side of Elkinsville, while the town has been spreading West. Now it’s up to Henry Elkins to protect the family’s land however his wife may have other plans……

Hell-Fire Austin

…Ken “Hell-Fire” Austin is a rodeo rider who keeps getting in trouble with the law… Both him and his friend Bouncer haven’t been able to earn much money lately, so when they hear about the $25,000 cross-country sweepstakes, all they need is a fast horse to help them win it! However a horse that fast is not easy to come by… or keep….

Phantom Patrol

…Being chased by the police on murder charges, Dapper Dan escapes into the Canadian woods. Luckily for him, an author named Stephen Norris happens to be relaxing near by which gives Dan the perfect opportunity to use his cabin as a hideout… except he’s not the only one with the same plan….

Inspector Hornleigh Goes To It

…A hotel porter is murdered and Inspector Hornleigh is on the case! Clues are scarce and the more time passed by the father they are from finding the killer. Their best clue yet? A briefcase is missing from the crime scene….

The Girl from Monterrey

…Lita Valdez is fired from the place where she dances and signs, while her brother is coming back from the US after quitting college. Being upset with her boss, Lita gets her brother to start a fight, which surprisingly works out quite well for both of them!…

Brand of the Devil

…An intriguing western about the town of Willow Springs where horses and cattle get stolen quite often. The ranchers are used to making accusations left and right however proving who’s right or wrong isn’t always a priority….

Good Morning Boys

…A convict escapes from prison in England and takes refuge in the boarding school where his son is studying. His plan is to get to London in where he would steal the Mona Lisa… They just have to get rid of the Headmaster… or get him to help them!…

Gambler’s Choice

…Ross, Mike and Mary are having the time of their life in New York’s Tenderloin gambling district, until things get out of control and they get arrested. They each take on their own path until years later when they finally get a chance to catch up. While Mike has got his priorities straight and is now a policeman, Ross is trying to bribe his way into becoming a casino owner……

Midnight Manhunt

…A gangster named Joe Wells is attacked by a rival who steals a bad of diamonds from him. Wells body is found by a policemen, however before a detective arrives on the scene Wells’ body has disappeared……


…Tris Stewart is famous for his counterfeit money. Even though he is still in prison, fresh bills bearing his traits are found by a bank teller. Agents Raymond and Charles are on the case. They question him about the bills but he says he knows nothing. Soon Tris escapes prison, helped by people from the outside……

Life at Stake

…Edward Shaw is a building contractor who has nothing left from his business other than debt. One day he is approached by a potential new investor who could partner with him. The deal seems too good to be true……

Peck’s Bad Boy

…Bill Peck wins an award at the annual father son banquet for his composition named “My Father”. However as soon as his aunt and her soon move in to live with the Pecks, Bill suddenly becomes the black sheep of the family……

Fear in the Night

…Vince is a regular law abiding citizen who works as a bank teller. One night he has a very strange dream involving a robbery and a murder in a room with walls made of mirrors. He doesn’t think much of the dream at first but he cannot forget about it either……

Glen Or Glenda

…This movie follows the life of several people who feel they were born with the wrong gender in a society where transvestites aren’t accepted easily….

Lady Behave

…A young and irresponsible girl named Clarice goes out to the Mardi Gras celebration and comes home drunk the next morning, announcing that she got married last night. Her sister Paula reminds her that she was already married but Clarice has a hard time understanding the gravity of the situation she is in. It’s up to Paula to come up with a scheme that will get one of Clarice’s marriages annulled before she is given 10 years in prison for bigamy….

Double Exposure

…Pat is a photographer who is moving to the big city in hopes of advancing her career. What she hadn’t quite expected is that the big city comes with a whole load of problems like unwanted admirers and having to chase scandalous millionaires around town… Can she handle it?…

Indestructible Man

Benton is about to be executed for committing robbery. On the day before the execution he learns that his partners together with his lawyer had double-crossed him so they could come out clean after the heist. Unfortunately it’s too late for him to go after them. After the execution his body ends up in a lab where scientists are conducting tests on dead people. When they shock Benton’s body with 287,000 volts of electricity, the unbelievable happe…

The Painted Desert

…Cash and Jeff are traveling in search of better grazing grounds where they can start their own ranch. Along the way they stop at a watering hole in Arizona’s Painted Desert where they find a baby boy left in a wagon. Cash grabs the baby and leaves while Jeff decides to settle at the watering hole. Years later the boy is all grown up and finally gets a chance to choose his own fate….