"October" (1927) - Watch and Download Free!

October, Ten Days That Shook the World is one of the best history dramas even made in black and white.

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Genre: Drama.

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More about October (1927)

BnWMovies.com 4.2
  • Summary:   October, Ten Days That Shook the World is one of the best history dramas even made in black and white.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Drama
  • Directed by:   Sergei Eisenstein
October (1927) October
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"October" (1927) Cast:

  • Vladimir Popov - Aleksandr Kerensky
  • Vasili Nikandrov - V.I. Lenin
  • Layaschenko - Konovalov


  1. A movie to die for! Thanks so much for putting up this priceless cinema. 🙂

  2. This is a must see along with Eisenstein’s other masterwork “Battleship” also known as “Battleship Potemkin”. Eisenstein developed the film technique of Montage and in both these films it is used to powerful effect. As you watch these you will see where later directors copied these techniques. These are two of the greatest films ever made. Even if you are not a student of film these are worth the watching.

  3. Sheryl Titcomb-Gilbert

    Loved it!

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