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Hell’s House

…Jimmy has chosen a wrong idol to look up to – bootlegger Matt Kelly. When the police raid Matt’s operation, Jimmy ends up taking the blame because he refuses to tell the cops that Matt is running the show. Jimmy gets sent to a correctional facility, a place notorious for its inhumane conditions. It’s a matter of life and death for Jimmy to escape and show the world what is happening there, however Matt isn’t willing to help……

The Scarlet Pimpernel

…ow eloquent . colin strugnell A lovely film and Merle is just fantastic as always. DALE R If your looking for a movie that draws you in,keeps you there and all of your attention is focused on the screen,and while watching you say to yourself,I’m glad I chose this movie to watch well this is it,it’s just that good. Thank you so very much. joe dina as usual just great britsh very classy..loved it.. Boring Guy Great dialog! daniels I am so…

The Second Woman

…tory. For most of the movie, Jeff Cohalan comes through either as a sleep walker or a one-dimensional character, but at the end he turns into a strong rational man. Clearly out if character. Otherwise, I liked the acting, music and, simple but effective, special effects. The photography was well done, except for a few of the night scenes where it is hard to see anything clearly. rosanne excellent..thrilling…keeps u intrigued… cindy really enjo…


…Rain is a story about a missionary and his wife, the Davidsons, who a stranded on an island in the Pacific, along with a prostitute named Sadie and a group of Marines who are stationed on the island. While Mr. Davidson hopes to convert Sadie and show her the light of God, the only thing she wants is to party with the marines. Eventually she decides to follow the missionary’s advice but things don’t go as planned and the story takes a turn….


…movie loved it ..thanx admin @bnw,, Andy Brilliant! Well worth watching. DALE R I agree with all comments before me.they said it all and they said it well great movie thanks! cindy A very enjoyable movie. Better than most. Be sure to give it a look!!! mmiller good movie but seen it before thanks ROD Good ending DanMc One of my favorite old movies, good plot, acting, cast, on par with “Laura” 1944 another top fav Bella I’d seen it while ago but en…

The Crooked Circle

…Follow the steps of the detectives from the Sphinx Club who are up against the greatest thieves and criminals from The Crooked Circle. The timing couldn’t be worse since the head of the Club has just resigned in strange circumstances.

Invisible Ghost

…Charles Kessler is a mysterious and seemingly unbalanced person. He lost his wife years ago in a car accident however he still talks to the chair where she used to sit at the dinner table. Has he lost his mind or is there something else……

Danger Ahead

…a bit long. graham hi downloaded three films but they only downloaded partially.can you suggest anything that might be wrong. It could be possible that you are loosing your internet connection for a little bit of time and the download won’t start after that. I’ve had such issues before. You can try any of the free download managers. I’ve used this one: Let me know if that helps! Christopher Myers…

Gunsmoke Ranch

…Phineas Flagg is a greedy landowner who has come up with a scheme to buy land right after natural disasters ruin the owners and then sell their land at a much higher price. The Three Mesquiteers, Lullaby Joslin, Stony Brook and Tucson Smith, become victims of his plan. It’s up to them to organize the townspeople and try to reclaim their land….

Blue Angel

…on from von sternberg but she comes into a thinner more glamourous marlena when she gets to hollywood.a great film. jake3 still outstanding Drgood I have been watching this movie for forty years and never get tired of it. Marlene Dietrich exudes so much sensuality and sex appeal in this movie that she can never be topped in my opinion. I fell in love with her the first time I saw it. thanks! p.s. my second favorite movie is Morocco for the same re…

Shed No Tears

…Sam Grover is a used car salesman. He lives with his second wife who isn’t happy about their financial situation. To save his marriage Sam decides to play out his death and have his wife collect his life insurance. It would all work out if it wasn’t for his son who isn’t easily fooled and hires a detective to help him find out what really happened……

Ride Ranger Ride

…Arnold sidekicks). It was a fun, unforgettable day. Most fascinating were the opinions of Smiley and Rufe over doing television versus the movies. Wow, that must have been quite an experience!…

Roar of the Press

…Wally and Alice are newlyweds, ready to enjoy the rest of their life together. Wally works as a reporter for the Globe and he tends to put his job on highest priority. This seems like a great thing that will keep the family financially stable however when Wally stumbles upon a corpse outside a building he immediately gets involved in the dangerous case……

Hurricane at Pilgrim Hill

…hope you will be here indefeffenetly thank you mickle every family has 1, some more . We would be a lot poorer if not for greats & grands to keep us on our toes. I hope you can bring this gem into your current life & carry the message .Hope Help Love & Grow. Bruce Elizabeth Wright Simply hilarious and very much enjoyable movie!! I Could watch this movie every day and never get tired of it! Loved! Loved! Loved! This movie!…


…mm. Hmm… interesting how that happened. All fixed now! Thanks! ves Bluebeard _ Thank you It’s a different storyline than usual! valerie Not my usual type of movie, but I really liked this bruce good singing…

Blue Steel

…Jake is the sheriff of Yucca City. He’s after the Polka Dot Bandit who has been committing crimes throughout town. while Jake is sleeping at a hotel, the hotel gets robbed by the Bandit. A man named John is suspiciously looking around the crime-scene and Sheriff Jake takes this as a clue and starts following him to find out why he was so very interested in the robbery……

Curtain at Eight

…Wylie Thornton has a very successful show and is planning to move to New York in search for bigger audiences. Even though he is married, there is hardly a woman on his crew who isn’t falling for him and that creates a lot of tension. During his final show before leaving Wylie is murdered. The list of suspects is long… besides all others it even includes a monkey!…

Fighting Caravans

…Felice wants to travel west to California. Bill and Jim trick her into thinking that she can only join the wagon train if she is together with a man. They propose that she helps them free their friend Clint from jail and in return he would travel with her to California. On the way they approach dangerous Indian grounds and Clint offers to lead the wagon train through. Was Felice lucky to join the caravan or was this whole trip a really bad idea?…

Symphony of Living

…Just before Adolph Greig’s solo violin performance at the Cosmopolitian Orchestra, his right hand is injured and his dream – shattered. He becomes unable to play and his own children abandon him as they no longer see the financial benefits from staying near him. Destroyed both financially and emotionally, how is Greig going to get his life back?…

The Local Bad Man

…Jim, Skeeter and Horsetail are well know trouble-makers in Rawhide, New Mexico. When the local bank goes broke, the bank manager decides to fake a train robbery, frame Jim and his friends for it and then ask for a large sum of money from the railroad company with which he could save his bank….