"Danger Ahead" (1935) - Watch and Download Free!

The movie starts with Captain Matthews being robbed after selling his shipment from China. The robbers work for a wealthy businessman, Conrad, but they…

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Genre: Action, Drama.

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More about Danger Ahead (1935)

BnWMovies.com 2.9
  • Summary:   The movie starts with Captain Matthews being robbed after selling his shipment from China. The robbers work for a wealthy businessman, Conrad, but they quickly lose the money when a local reporter, Jerry, steals it from them. His plan is to expose Conrad's secret business using the newspaper but will he stay alive to tell his story?
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Action, Drama
  • Directed by:   Albert Herman
Danger Ahead (1935) Danger Ahead
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"Danger Ahead" (1935) Cast:

  • Lawrence Gray - Jerry Mason
  • Sheila Bromley - Lorraine Matthews
  • Bryant Washburn - Nick Conrad
  • Fuzzy Knight - Fred Klein
  • John Elliott - Captain Matthews
  • Arthur Loft - Pete


  1. Not bad, worth watching. Good plot line.
    Car chase and fight scene a bit long.

  2. hi downloaded three films but they only downloaded partially.can you suggest anything that might be wrong.

  3. It could be possible that you are loosing your internet connection for a little bit of time and the download won’t start after that. I’ve had such issues before. You can try any of the free download managers. I’ve used this one: http://www.flashget.com/index_en.html

    Let me know if that helps!

  4. This is a wonderful movie. I saw it somewhere once before but it was worth watching again.A good story with some good comedic acting thrown in. Victory Pictures Corporation. So many unknown movie makers! Thanks for this one. I recommend it strongly.

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