Download "The Beatniks" (1960) for free!
To download The Beatniks, left-click the download icon to see the list of available files. Choose a file, keeping in mind that larger files will take longer to download and will have better quality. Then right-click the file name and select "Save target as" or "Save link as", depending on your browser.
the streaming doesn’t work but the download does (mac OS X here latest latest version)
Sometimes the streaming can give you a timeout error. If that happens try reloading the page. Other than that it should work fine 🙂
Thanks for the feedback!
Poor misdirecting ‘Plot Summary’ .
It should read: Eddy Crane has a vocal talent but he is running with the wrong group. He’s a small town juvenile delinquent mixed up in criminal activities with losers. Crane has a chance of a lifetime to make it big singing. But his ‘gang’ of pals don’t want to see him leave them.
It’s mis-titled. Those punks were not beatniks. Better title would be “Wasted Lives.” Pretty sad, really.