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The Painted Desert

…Cash and Jeff are traveling in search of better grazing grounds where they can start their own ranch. Along the way they stop at a watering hole in Arizona’s Painted Desert where they find a baby boy left in a wagon. Cash grabs the baby and leaves while Jeff decides to settle at the watering hole. Years later the boy is all grown up and finally gets a chance to choose his own fate….

Harlem Rides the Range

…Bob and Dusty are riding along, looking for work. They come across the Dennison ranch where they find a bloody scene. Luckily they finally find work in the ranch next door, however they new companions may have something to do with the trouble in the Dennison ranch……

Ride Ranger Ride

…Frank Rice of Mustard and Gravy (Eddy Arnold sidekicks). It was a fun, unforgettable day. Most fascinating were the opinions of Smiley and Rufe over doing television versus the movies. Wow, that must have been quite an experience!…

Hook Line and Sinker

…k and listening with earbuds, so silent films are a moot point, lol! But these are all wonderful! Thank you 🙂 mickle Mr woosey is a pip .His rapid patter & animated hand movement spin this yarn .The supporting cast is supurb as u c each playing off the others so well.grand old hotel ,snobs gats & molls,roberty mayhem,even the police give a lift to this great classic don’t miss out look deep its all there 5 stars Bruce Christopher Myers Mobsters,…

The Panther’s Claw

…Everett is arrested while sneaking out of a cemetery in the middle of the night. He defends himself by saying that he wasn’t stealing, but was paying a ransom instead. He show the policemen a ransom note signed by the Black Panther and explains that several other people who work at the opera have gotten similar letters……

Clipped Wings

…Jerry Broun is a pilot during World War I. Jerry is reported killed in action and his little brother Mickey decides to follow his footsteps by enlisting in Army aviation school……

The Man Who Walked Alone

…charged soldier, who is hitch-hiking his way to a small town where a friend of his used to live before he was killed in the war. He is picked up by Wilhelmina Hammond, who took her rich fiancee’s car and ran away from him. The police think the car was stolen and takes the two travelers with the intent to put them in jail. They end up being freed but their misfortune continues as they get caught again, this time breaking into a house. Watch the mov…

The Private Life of Don Juan

…Don Juan returns to the town of Seville in secret, threatened to be put in jail by his own wife. While he’s in town one of his admirers, Rodrigo, is murdered and his body is mistakenly identified as Don Juan’s. Is he going to take this opportunity to disappear or will he try to set things straight?…

The Scarlet Letter

…Hester marries the man her family has chosen, not the man she wanted to. She find comfort in talking to a pastor, Dimmesdale, however soon their conversations turn into something more……

Hell-Fire Austin

…Ken “Hell-Fire” Austin is a rodeo rider who keeps getting in trouble with the law… Both him and his friend Bouncer haven’t been able to earn much money lately, so when they hear about the $25,000 cross-country sweepstakes, all they need is a fast horse to help them win it! However a horse that fast is not easy to come by… or keep….

The Great Saint Louis Bank Robbery

…George Fowler’s days as a college football star are long over and he’s looking for alternative sources of income… namely robbing a bank. What’s even worse is that he has had a relationship with the sister of one of his partners in crime….

The Case of the Texas Cowgirl

…Minnie, a traveling cowgirl, asks Sherlock Holmes to help her get rid of a dead body in her hotel room. There are several suspects and not a lot of evidence. It’s up to detective Holmes to solve the mystery!…

Crime, Inc.

…An interesting crime movie about a reporter named Jim who investigates mobsters and tries to bring their crimes to light. Getting involved with the mob has its consequences especially when they don’t like someone’s contributions to their business!…

Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives

…de me feel like a kid again margaret these racial offense cartoons are awful I can see now why my afro American friends get upset for things to change this movies and cartoons should be removed DALE R. The cleverness and the great imagination of these writers and animators from days gone by are very much missed by this viewer.this was indeed the definition of short,but sweet.thank you so very much….

Behind the Screen – Charlie Chaplin

…In this movie Charlie is working as a stagehand at a theater. Besides all the fun caused by his inability to do his job, there’s also a girl who wants to be an actress but decides to try to work as a stagehand instead, while pretending to be a man….

Neath the Arizona Skies

…Chris Morrell and his adopted daughter Nina have decided to find her Indian relatives so she can claim $50,000 in Indian oil. Unfortunately for them a gang of outlaws also want to “adopt” Nina and take the oil for themselves. How are Chris and Nina going to get out of this one?…

Curtain at Eight

…Wylie Thornton has a very successful show and is planning to move to New York in search for bigger audiences. Even though he is married, there is hardly a woman on his crew who isn’t falling for him and that creates a lot of tension. During his final show before leaving Wylie is murdered. The list of suspects is long… besides all others it even includes a monkey!…

Blonde Ice

…Claire Cummings is a popular reported in San Francisco. Her popularity however is largely the result of all her marriages, the most interesting part of which are the deaths of her husbands……

Manhattan Tower

…site,wonderful movie picks and plenty of choices. The plane was flying and hit the tower of one mens greatest buildings….

Oh Susanna

…Gene Autry is a famous singing cowboy on his way to collect some money. An outlaw decides to get rid of Gene, collect the money for himself and frame Gene for the crimes he has committed. Gene has to reclaim his name with the help of a professor and a traveling actor!…