Download "The Vampire Bat" (1933) for free!
To download The Vampire Bat, left-click the download icon to see the list of available files. Choose a file, keeping in mind that larger files will take longer to download and will have better quality. Then right-click the file name and select "Save target as" or "Save link as", depending on your browser.
Melvin well done! Love all your movies! Herman was played spot on! This was a delightful and funny movie.Such a wonderful cast.
Thank you and a big shout out to the person or persons who were kind enough to give this gift to us free blk and white movies 1960 and up..SURE ANYONE CAN DO IT BUT THERES A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “yeah, I can do it and actually doing it..And, you did. I know I would not have taken the time to do this myself..Thank you very much. I can come home from work, shower, cook and enjoy a free dinner and a free movie..