Download "The Ghost Train" (1941) for free!
To download The Ghost Train, left-click the download icon to see the list of available files. Choose a file, keeping in mind that larger files will take longer to download and will have better quality. Then right-click the file name and select "Save target as" or "Save link as", depending on your browser.
Would have been better if you can view it in fullscreen. I clicked and clicked the option, but it never worked.
Hi Glenda, unfortunately the fullscreen function doesn’t work in some versions of Firefox. It does work in Internet Explorer and Chrome. Thanks for your input, I’ll see if there’s anyway to make it work in FF too!
Well, it worked fine for me in full screen. I’m using Firefox12.0
It seems to be working with the newer versions π
(The flirting on the train reminded me of A Hard Day’s Night.) I thought it was going to be a cute story about different personality types stranded & trying to get along but the plot twists were old time radio drama fun. I recommend it.
thought the film was excellent what a fantastic web site i will be
useing it quite alot and telling all my friends
I remembered watching this movie when I was kid. Good old fashioned tongue in cheek spooky film. Watched it in full screen with my playbook hooked to the tv. Great Thanks
That’s how I watch them too. I have an old laptop that tends to die on me every now and then but it’s great to just hook up to the TV and watch some movies π
They don’t make movies like this any more.
What a jewel your site is!!! Kim
Komando brought me here. Will there be an app in the future? We would love to watch via our big tv. THANK YOU!
Thank you Jaci. I’m not sure at this time but I could try making one once I learn how π You can watch the movies on your TV in several ways. You could connect a laptop to the TV, you could play the movies in Chrome and stream them to your TV using a Cromecast, and lastly I think RabitTV also connects directly to Thanks for visiting!
You need to put more british comdy films like will hay they are the best steve de tenerife
Gave me a happy afternoon of viewing, especially as Arthur Askey was a great favourite in my house as a kid. Off to peruse the rest of the site with great anticipation π
Wow …what a gem,,,absolute marvelous viewing thoroughly engaging from from wo to go… recommend highly ..5 stars thanx to the site admin…
tops modern comedy hands still clapping
classic British film
We need more of them on this site
May I suggest Hobson’s Choice & Goodbye Mr Chips
Very enjoyable.all characters were interesting while delivering a chuckle every now and then.looking forward to my next sit down with this wonderful library of entertainment you so graciously provide us all with,so on behalf of all who partake we thank you.
I really enjoyed this. I liked the characters and that there was only a few hints to what was in store for the ending.
Well, this was two years into the war for the British and their cities were still the targets of German bombing raids. Movies such as this must have been a great, uplifting, diversion from the horror. 1941. “God Save the King.” Thanks for showing this. I tell people about this site that I somehow stumbled onto one day not too long ago. Now I’m hooked!