"The Flying Deuces" (1939) - Watch and Download Free!

Stan and Ollie are best friends. When Ollie becomes heartbroken they decide to jump off a bridge together. Luckily, a Foreign Legion officer…

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Genre: Comedy.

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More about The Flying Deuces (1939)

BnWMovies.com 4.1
  • Summary:   Stan and Ollie are best friends. When Ollie becomes heartbroken they decide to jump off a bridge together. Luckily, a Foreign Legion officer walks by and manages to convince them to give up their suicidal plan and join the army. But how well can guys like Stan and Ollie do in the army? Watch this hilarious comedy to find out!
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy
  • Directed by:   A. Edward Sutherland
The Flying Deuces (1939) The Flying Deuces
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"The Flying Deuces" (1939) Cast:

  • Stan Laurel - Stan
  • Oliver Hardy - Ollie
  • Jean Parker - Georgette
  • Reginald Gardiner - François
  • Charles B. Middleton - the Legion Commandant
  • Jean Del Val - Sergeant
  • Crane Whitley - Corporal
  • Jimmy Finlayson - Jailer
  • Michael Visaroff - The Innkeeper


  1. Wonderful Movie. Brings back a lot of memories

  2. Brilliant movie .the way movies should be made.

  3. I believe this movie has been altered by making it into colour by a company in America and is now on You tube. Do have any plans to show it on your web site ?
    Thank you.
    Laurel & Hardy are great comedy act of all time.
    P.S. Do you have any plans to open a channel on Freeview in the near future ?

  4. Hi Paul, probably not, I only show old black and white films. I haven’t looked into Freeview but I will! Thanks!

  5. Well, this is the first Laurel and Hardy I ever watched and it will probably be the last. When I was growing up in the 1940s we had Abbott and Costello antics and I don’t ever remember a L & H flick coming to our Kent, Ohio theater. Good stuff for what it is, and thanks for reminding me of Abbott and Costello!

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