"Romance Sentimentale" (1930) - Watch and Download Free!

An innovative montage of various romantic scenes and music. Art lovers will find it quite a sight.

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Genre: Comedy.

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More about Romance Sentimentale (1930)

BnWMovies.com 4.1
  • Summary:   An innovative montage of various romantic scenes and music. Art lovers will find it quite a sight.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy
  • Directed by:   Grigori Aleksandrov
Romance Sentimentale (1930) Romance Sentimentale
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"Romance Sentimentale" (1930) Cast:

  • Mara Griy - The singer


  1. Notable in particular for Serge Eisenstein’s editing… This film has his style stamped all through it.

    It’s too bad the soundtrack was about a half-second ahead of the image track. I have a feeling if sound and images were in sync the dramatic effects would have been more, well, effective.

    A film mainly for those interested in the history of film and film techniques.

  2. Christopher Myers

    That, sir, is the most incredibly wonderful twenty minutes of cinematography I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. It took my breath away. Where did you find it? I wonder who the french woman is. I will have to find someone to translate the lyrics for me. This is truly the gift as the finding of a rose hidden among the thorns. Chris in Kent, Ohio.

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