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Dick Tracy’s Dilemma

…A case of massive fur thefts, murders and possible insurance fraud is Dick Tracy’s new assignment. Watch how Dick will untangle this mystery and find out who The Claw is!…

Go Down, Death!

…Big Jim Bottoms runs a juke joint in an African American community. His business is threatened by the church as its following expands into his customers. Big Jim comes up with a scheme to dishonor the preacher in order to revive his business but things don’t go as planned….

A Romance of the Redwoods

…Mary Pickford decides to travel to California during the Gold Rush, in hopes of better fortune. There, she would meet up with her uncle, however she discovers that he had been killed by Indians and another man had taken his identity to escape the law. Find out if Mary will find the better life she was hoping for!…

The Amazing Transparent Man

…Dr. Peter Ulof, inventor of an invisibility machine, is forced to create a weapon out of it by Maj. Paul Krenner who keeps his daughter prisoner. The machine cannot be completed without materials that are kept safe in a well guarded government facility. Krenner’s plan is to send an invisible man to steel the needed materials but he picks the wrong person for the job — a prisoner!…

Nancy Drew… Reporter

joe galmish can movie be downloaded to a cd? You could download the MPEG file and then burn it on a CD. Here are some instructions. Nancy Bee Excellent! Good, light-hearted entertainment. DALE R: 60+minutes of light headedness.ending got a little to silly for my taste but this movie was meant to be just that thanks!! Vicki So far, I love this site! One question: have tried searching by entering Katherine Hepburn, and found no movies…

Jungle Book

…as it was when it first was made. Thank you divya Nice movie Christopher Myers Old joke: Q) Do you like Kipling? A) I don’t know. How do you kipple? Boo hiss, right? Anyway, this is a most amazing piece of filmography. Kudoss to the director, the cast; everyone inbvolved, really, and a whole galaxy of stars to the cameramen. A wonderful story, wonderfully adapted to the screen. So well done I felt as if I were a part of the jungle, surreptitiousl…

Girl o’ My Dreams

…Larry, an egocentric track champ, is successful in sport and has a beautiful girlfriend but has no appreciation for anything but himself. It’s about time he learns his lesson and his opponent Don is the perfect guy for the job, or is he?…

White Zombie

…Madeleine and Neil are in love and want to get married but Charles, a wealthy plantation owner, will do anything to get Madeleine for himself. When Charles asks a voodoo master for help to get to her heart they decide to turn her into a zombie. How is Neil going to save his bride from a life after death?…

Killer Diller

…The magician is the most important part of a variety show, so when he goes missing Dumdone, the show’s manager is scattering to find a replacement. Another magician appears mysteriously in his office, asking for the position… quite a lucky coincidence, or is it?…

Indestructible Man

Benton is about to be executed for committing robbery. On the day before the execution he learns that his partners together with his lawyer had double-crossed him so they could come out clean after the heist. Unfortunately it’s too late for him to go after them. After the execution his body ends up in a lab where scientists are conducting tests on dead people. When they shock Benton’s body with 287,000 volts of electricity, the unbelievable happe…

Two Dollar Bettor

…One day John places a two dollar bet and wins. Even though he never gambled before, the small prize turns into a gripping passion and before he knows it he is deep in debt. “Luckily” for John, he works at a bank and can easily borrow money from the vault… But how easy will it be to return it?…

Hell Town

…Dare Rudd and his friend Dink decide to leave town and travel to Dale’s wealthy cousin Tom, hoping to get a piece of his pie. It doesn’t take long for Dare to try to get his hands on Tom’s girlfriend too. Without many options Tom gives Dare the worst job he can offer him – selling his cattle to shady buyers….

Fear in the Night

…Vince is a regular law abiding citizen who works as a bank teller. One night he has a very strange dream involving a robbery and a murder in a room with walls made of mirrors. He doesn’t think much of the dream at first but he cannot forget about it either……

Charlie Shanghaied

…Charlie Chan arrives in Shanghai but the joyful celebration can’t hide the fact that he is not wanted there. Within no time, two attempts are made on his life……

Broken Blossoms

…The Yellow Man decides to leave China so he can change the violent behavior or Western people using his Buddhist teachings. One day a beaten child enters his shop and he decides to take care of the little girl. The girl’s father however is an ill-tempered boxer who is bound to find her sooner or later……

Neath the Arizona Skies

…Chris Morrell and his adopted daughter Nina have decided to find her Indian relatives so she can claim $50,000 in Indian oil. Unfortunately for them a gang of outlaws also want to “adopt” Nina and take the oil for themselves. How are Chris and Nina going to get out of this one?…

Death From a Distance

…Dr. Frederick Stone is murdered during a lecture by Dr. Ernst Einfeld in the Forest Park Observatory. Everyone present is questioned by the police, however the only man arrested is a Hindu who has entered the country illegally. A reporter publishes a story about how Dr. Einfeld had suspicions regarding the identity of the murderer. Whether that was true or not makes no difference. The only option the killer has now is to silence Dr. Einfeld!…

West of the Divide

…Ted Hayden has spent years searching for his kidnapped brother and his father’s murderer. One day he stumbles upon a dying outlaw who has a letter about people related to his father’s death. Ted decides to pose as the outlaw so can get find out the truth and hopefully get his brother back….

Sinners In Paradise

…A transatlantic plane flying from the US to Shanghai crashes in the ocean. Several passengers survive, stranded on an island where the only boat belongs to an outcast who doesn’t want anything to do with the newcomers. Little does he know who the survivor passengers really are……

Sunset Range

…Bonnie is joining her brother Eddie at his new ranch in Arizona. What she doesn’t know is that Eddie has a gambling problem and owes money to a gangster named Grant, who loves nothing more than the opportunity to involve innocent people in his plots….