"Million Dollar Kid" (1944) - Watch and Download Free!

The East Side Kids are fed up with all the mugging going on in their neighborhood, so they decide to do something about…

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Genre: Comedy.

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More about Million Dollar Kid (1944)

BnWMovies.com 4.2
  • Summary:   The East Side Kids are fed up with all the mugging going on in their neighborhood, so they decide to do something about it. Unfortunately for them, it doesn't take long for the police officers to misunderstand their crime-fighting efforts and blame them for the muggings.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy
  • Directed by:   Wallace Fox
Million Dollar Kid (1944) Million Dollar Kid
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"Million Dollar Kid" (1944) Cast:

  • Leo Gorcey - Muggs McGinnis
  • Huntz Hall - Glimpy McClosky
  • Billy Benedict - Skinny
  • Al Stone - Herbie
  • David Durand - Danny
  • Jimmy Strand - Pinkie
  • Buddy Gorman - Stinkie
  • Bobby Stone - Rocky
  • Gabriel Dell - Lefty
  • Louise Currie - Louise Cortland
  • Noah Beery - Captain Mathews
  • Iris Adrian - Mazie Dunbar
  • Herbert Heyes - John H. Cortland


  1. Enkoyable

  2. thank you to you and your staff to provide us very classical movies ever wish you the best success .

  3. You’re very welcome! There is no staff though 🙂 BnWMovies is basically a personal project of mine. Best, Yavor Milchev

  4. Thank’s Yavor
    Nice project !
    I spend sometimes laughing watching this old comedies.

  5. I’m glad you liked it 🙂

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