"Great Expectations" (1946) - Watch and Download Free!

This film won two academy awards and was nominated for three more! Watching it is a must 🙂 It presents the story of…

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Genre: Drama, Romance.

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More about Great Expectations (1946)

BnWMovies.com 4.7
  • Summary:   This film won two academy awards and was nominated for three more! Watching it is a must :) It presents the story of an young orphan boy, Pip, who lives with his sister and her husband. Pip often visits a rich lady and a beautiful but cruel girl named Estella. Even though the girl mocks him for his misfortune, he quickly falls in love with her.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Drama, Romance
  • Directed by:   David Lean
Great Expectations (1946) Great Expectations
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"Great Expectations" (1946) Cast:

  • Anthony Wager - young Pip
  • John Mills - grown up Pip
  • Jean Simmons - young Estella
  • Valerie Hobson - grown up Estella
  • Martita Hunt - Miss Havisham
  • Finlay Currie - Abel Magwitch
  • Francis L. Sullivan - Mr. Jaggers
  • Bernard Miles - Joe Gargery
  • Alec Guinness - Herbert Pocket as an adult
  • John Forrest - Herbert Pocket as a boy
  • Freda Jackson - Mrs. Joe Gargery
  • Ivor Barnard - Mr. Wemmick
  • Torin Thatcher - Bentley Drummle
  • O. B. Clarence - The Aged Parent


  1. Awsome movie I love good movies with a great plot and all.

  2. This movie is OK but kind of weird. Guess I’m just not used to these old movies from this time period.

  3. Old movie lover

    it’s a good movie if you’re looking for a drama. if you’re looking for a good romance, then no. i learned that the hard way. while the romance aspect has significance to the story line, the main focus of the show is on pip, his struggles, his change of life and so forth.

    majority of the movie, pip and estella are away from each other and when they are together, the romantic interaction is at a minimum. so for romance, this gets 3/10 and for drama it gets 8/10 from me.

  4. Great movie, entertaining and shows that no matter how even people who have been hurt and have hardened hearts can still love and care for someone.

  5. It’s gorgeous, the movie, the site, great idea! Thanks.

  6. Great movie, weird, but great.

  7. great

  8. can you please tell me why I cant find bette davis and barbara stanwyck movies on your site and others?? They should rate higher that charlie chaplin,charlie chan etc Just cant believe it….

  9. did like this movie though..Can you get mr. skeffington, baby face, old acquaintance, an old maid,dangerous, fifth avenue girl, goodbye my fancy.

  10. Hi Valerie, most highly rated movies have had their copyright renewed so they cannot be featured on free websites like this one. Unfortunately this is the case with all the movies you requested =/ I hope you’ll find other movies that you’ll like on the site. Thanks for visiting BnWmovies.com!

  11. great movie.. thank you!!!!!!

  12. Good movie, good acting- although, I don’t understand why even though they stayed so true to the novel throughout 95% of the movie, the ending was so drastically changed. The book ending was better. All in all I enjoyed this movie, though.

  13. A very good movie. Well worth spending the time on a quiet evening.

  14. a great movie definitely… very fidel to the original novel.. By The Way… it may be worth mentionning that ‘Great Expectations’ is a famous novel by dickens and a big classic of English Literature 🙂 … not everybody seems to know that… looking at the comments.

  15. Seen this film so many times ,and still find it very entertaining.

  16. Held my interest to the end. Very entertaining – a bit “dark” and very true to time and era. Surprising twist. Enjoyed very much.

  17. alexander modenos

    David Lean I beleave who also did Lawrence of Arabia.

  18. great movie

  19. great classic. super acting especially role of Mr Jaggers.

  20. A must see. Classic

  21. Great movie they just don’t make ’em like this anymore..doesn’t need half naked women n crash bang explosion etc to get your attention n keep you attentive..
    Dickens story brought to life on the silver screen..fantastic all way round…
    Thanks for this magnificent site…

  22. Great movie with great actors.Dickens is marvellous showing us such characters as Jaggers, miss Havisham, Wemmic and others.

  23. Great movie. Ever so much so as the book Thank you.

  24. This Movie of “Great Expectations” (1946) Is (In MY opinion) The Greatest Movie of A Dickens Work EVER MADE. And Required And Essential Viewing for Me EVERY Christmas. It’s NOT Christmas For Me If I Don’t See this Movie. And If it’s NOT on Terrestrial Channel Listing then I ALWAYS make sure To watch it online.

  25. Enjoyed Pip reactions to different circumstances and charachters he meet.Bible hardly opend by the old lady in the dark house.

  26. Great Expectations est un chef d’oeuvre

  27. Wonderful movie! Lovely music and lovely story!!

  28. One of David Lean’s best movies. The happy ending was required at the time. The beginning is a film classic.

  29. Enjoyed this film immensely, John Mills & Alec Guiness in the same film is a bonus.

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