"Too Late for Tears" (1949) - Watch and Download Free!

Jane and Alan are a happy couple who live a modest life, that is until someone accidentally throws a bag of money in…

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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

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More about Too Late for Tears (1949)

BnWMovies.com 4.2
  • Summary:   Jane and Alan are a happy couple who live a modest life, that is until someone accidentally throws a bag of money in their car! Alan feels it's best to let the authorities handle the situation. Jane however has other plans for the money, and for the criminals that will soon be on their tail...
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Drama, Mystery, Thriller
  • Directed by:   Byron Haskin
Too Late for Tears (1949) Too Late for Tears
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"Too Late for Tears" (1949) Cast:

  • Lizabeth Scott - Jane Palmer
  • Don DeFore - Don Blake/Blanchard
  • Dan Duryea - Danny Fuller
  • Arthur Kennedy - Alan Palmer
  • Kristine Miller - Kathy Palmer
  • Barry Kelley - Lt. Breach


  1. Not a bad movie, quite a few strange twists, just enough to keep interest. 7 out of 10. Lizabeth Scott was great in it. Dan Dureyea (sp) was always excellent as the creepy villain. Roy Huggins, writer, later produced all these movies and television shows, like Rockford Files.

  2. A very good,exciting movie. It had all the elements of a mystery,love,money, murder,greed,guns, romance and just the right balance of intrigue. Some of the original film may have been damaged and clipped together,thereby some scenes missing but that didn’t spoil the story.
    Great actors and of course for the 1949 times(unexpected scheming,fast emotions by a woman)this was hot stuff and everybody smoked. Cool

  3. I really liked this movie. Glad the justice prevailed.

  4. I loved this movie. It had everything. Suspense, drama, scheming, etc… Hollywood sure doesn’t make movies like this anymore. Thank you again BNW.

  5. Loved the movie but hated the self righteous jerk.

  6. Great noir. Is there a movie where Dan Duryea does not slap a woman! Lizabeth Scott is great.

  7. Great movie, well acted, oh my wasn’t she an evil woman.

  8. Allan Mackeddie

    Movie ok, but stopped at 1:28, movie length 1:38. Didn’t see end!

  9. Lots of intrigue, “black widow” killing husbands and lovers. Don De Fore is Hazel’s boss on Hazel! He hasn’t changed much…Great movie.

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