"Eternally Yours" (1939) - Watch and Download Free!

Tony, a magician known as The Great Arturo, falls in love with Anita. As soon as they get married Anita realizes just how…

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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance.

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More about Eternally Yours (1939)

BnWMovies.com 3.1
  • Summary:   Tony, a magician known as The Great Arturo, falls in love with Anita. As soon as they get married Anita realizes just how important Tony's career is to him. But will his magic be good enough to support a happy marriage?
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Directed by:   Tay Garnett
Eternally Yours (1939) Eternally Yours
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"Eternally Yours" (1939) Cast:

  • Loretta Young - Anita Halstead
  • David Niven - Tony aka The Great Arturo
  • Hugh Herbert - Benton
  • Billie Burke - Aunt Abby
  • C. Aubrey Smith - Gramps aka Bishop Peabody
  • Raymond Walburn - Mr. Harley Bingham
  • Zasu Pitts - Mrs. Cary Bingham
  • Broderick Crawford - Don Burns
  • Virginia Field - Lola De Vere
  • Eve Arden - Gloria
  • Ralph Graves - Mr. Morrisey
  • Lionel Pape - Mr. Howard
  • Fred Keating - Master of Ceremonies


  1. I really enjoy your website I watched Dracula on Halloween and tonight Loretta Young…..I grew up watching old black & white movies on tv and I love them. I hope you will be getting more movies to choose in the future….the old tv is very cool and I can see you put much thought in this. Thanks for sharing

  2. very good

  3. This is a excellent site, will you be interested in doing an interview about how you created it? If so e-mail me!

  4. I watched a movie along time ago on tv it was a black and white located by the sea. Two sister fall in love with the same man. He leave on a voyage and writes a letter to one of the sisters telling of his love for her. The wrong sister gets the letter. I can’t remember the name! It was a great movie.

  5. I watched a movie a long time ago it was about a man and a woman it was set in I think in the early 1900’s I think and they only lived in one room, the story circled around them and that room, she would sing a song about this is the day they give babies away, I have always remembered that song. The story began when they first got married and it spanned their lives. Could anyone please tell me the name of that movie,it’s been years and I have never seen that movie again.

  6. Loved Loretta Young & David Niven! Great movie!

  7. Really enjoyable movie. There were over half dozen major stars in this movie. Truly one of the better ones available to watch. Thank you for making these movies available to us.

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