"Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome" (1947) - Watch and Download Free!

The outlaw gang led by ex-con called Gruesome discovers a secret formula for a gas which makes people appear dead when inhaled. Gruesome…

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Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

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More about Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)

BnWMovies.com 3.0
  • Summary:   The outlaw gang led by ex-con called Gruesome discovers a secret formula for a gas which makes people appear dead when inhaled. Gruesome accidentally inhales it and is taken to the morgue by the police. Everyone is puzzled by the escape of his dead corpse from the morgue. Later on, he uses the same trick to accomplish much more daring feats. Watch Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome!
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
  • Directed by:   John Rawlins
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947) Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
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"Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome" (1947) Cast:

  • Ralph Byrd - Dick Tracy
  • Anne Gwynne - Tess Truehart
  • Boris Karloff - Gruesome
  • Skelton Knaggs - Rudolph X-Ray
  • Edward Ashley - Dr. Lee Thal


  1. Christopher S Glines

    dr a tomic….corney

  2. Just what i,’ve been looking for. Love those old mysteries.

  3. Funny film , I loved the subtle puns through out .

  4. Christopher Myers

    “And now, Dick Tracy!” That was the intro to his after school 1940s radio program. Good comic strip stuff brought to radio. We kids loved it, sitting around the kitchen listening to it on Mom’s Fada radio on top of the refrigerator. Who can forget Chester Gould’s weird cxomic strip villians: Flyface and Mrs. Prune Face and Shaky and The Brow and Mumbles, among others I can’t remember. Good movie tonight. Thanks!

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