"The Taming of the Shrew" (1929) - Watch and Download Free!

A story about a father who insists that the older of his two daughters must get married first, regardless of the younger daughter’s…

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Genre: Comedy, Romance.

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More about The Taming of the Shrew (1929)

BnWMovies.com 4.3
  • Summary:   A story about a father who insists that the older of his two daughters must get married first, regardless of the younger daughter's desire to be with the man of her dreams. Watch the movie to see whether the young Bianca and Hortensio's love with prevail!
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy, Romance
  • Directed by:   Sam Taylor
The Taming of the Shrew (1929) The Taming of the Shrew
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"The Taming of the Shrew" (1929) Cast:

  • Mary Pickford - Katherine
  • Douglas Fairbanks - Petruchio
  • Edwin Maxwell - Baptista
  • Joseph Cawthorn - Gremio
  • Clyde Cook - Grumio
  • Geoffrey Wardwell - Hortensio
  • Dorothy Jordan - Bianca


  1. The first and only film Pickford and Fairbanks co-starred in. Sadly, despite the popularity of the two stars the movie was a flop. The performances by both are particularly embarrassing. Pacing is completely absent and the production as a whole is stodgy and static. Should of interest only to their devoted fans and film historians. Original release had credit line which has become infamous for it’s arrogance: “By William Shakespeare, with additional dialogue by Sam Taylor”.

  2. Hard coded Italian subtitles mar the film’s appearance.

  3. Sam Taylor, the director, was my grandfather. He also directed Mary Pickford in Camille and many Harold Lloyd films.

  4. That’s amazing! You must have seen so many movies with him!

  5. I thought this was very good. I found it delightful. The version with Burton and Taylor is one of my favs, and this isn’t far behind. Unlike Paul, I didn’t find the performances embarrassing at all.

  6. very cute even if it was an early talky.
    I enjoyed it.
    Must have come from some foreign TV taping because the sub-titles were a little annoying but still a great movie. Thanks

  7. I adore the style of the older films. I find we are spoiled now a days and most don’t appreciate where we came from to get where we are in films. I enjoyed this one very much. Teresa Allen has a Grandfather to be proud of.

  8. I thought this was adorable and funny!

  9. It was a fun movie,However I’ve seen a lot better preferences from Pickford and Fairbanks.It was a good way to kill an hour or two.

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