Search Results for "Frank R. Strayer"

Nancy Drew… Reporter

…While looking for a story for a newspaper competition, Nancy decides to investigate and report on a recent murder. The prime suspect is a young lady who doesn’t seem like a killer and insists on her innocence. It’s up to Nancy to uncover the truth!…

One of Our Aircraft Is Missing

…The crew of a British bomber is forced to abandon ship in Dutch air space. They are lucky to find villagers who help them hide from the Nazi until they are ready to start the difficult trip home… While playing soccer with the locals is a lot of fun, it’s soon time for the pilot and his crew to head home and face the dangers waiting for them along the way….

Buster Keaton: The General

…Johnnie Gray tries to enlist with the Confederate Army in the beginning of the American Civil War, but is rejected because his job is a train engineer and he is much needed during the war. His girlfriend assumes that he didn’t want to support the Confederacy and refuses to ever speak to him again. It so happens that Johnnie’s train, The General, is hijacked by the Union and he finally gets a chance to show what he’s really worth!…

The Three Mesquiteers – Ghost-Town Gold

…Jim Paulsen Dear BNWmovies; I really enjoy the service you provide. Thanks again, Jim Paulsen leslie Well worth watching . Thank you good movie It was one of the best ones that I have seen Mali Taus Lots of fun to watch!…

Border Caballero

…Tim Ross and Tex Weaver are both working under cover, trying different ways to find out how a gang of bank robbers have been so successful. Tex has joined the gang which has worked well so far, but now the gang has gotten into more trouble than usual……

Fit for a King

…Virgil is a reported at the New York Daily Blade sent to follow a wealthy man, Archduke Julio, who is supposed to be the target of an assassin. Even though the Blade doesn’t believe that the assassination threat is real, Julio is nearly killed by a bomb and Virgil get sent on a trip to follow him in Europe. But what sort of activities could a man as rich as Julio possibly do in Europe?…

Fresh from Paris

…Dan Bradley’s new restaurant/theater is opening tonight and the crowd is already coming in. However, right from the start, things aren’t looking good as Dan’s backer turns out to be a poor lunatic who like posing as a backer. With no funds to help his business survive, this night is Dan’s only chance for success!…

Shed No Tears

…Sam Grover is a used car salesman. He lives with his second wife who isn’t happy about their financial situation. To save his marriage Sam decides to play out his death and have his wife collect his life insurance. It would all work out if it wasn’t for his son who isn’t easily fooled and hires a detective to help him find out what really happened……

Rainbow Valley

…John Martin is one of few men with the courage and fighting skills to protect gold movers like George Hale who transport gold to the town of Rainbow Valley. The townsfolk are so impressed with him they decide to hire him for protection while they finish the construction of a new road. There are a handful of people who would rather not see the road completed and John has to stand up against them….


…The story revolves around Maxim de Winter who is an affluent gentleman mourning the death of his wife. His sadness disappears when he meets a young woman working as a paid companion. The two fall in love and hastily get married however soon after the wedding their happiness begins to fade away……

The Great Train Robbery

…A short film about a group of bandits trying to rob a train. This film is famous for the innovative techniques used to make it, including camera movement and composite editing….

Aces and Eights

…Aces and Eights is know as the death hand after the murder of gambler Wild Bill Hickok, who was holding the hand when he was killed. Madigan continue playing in his place but quickly gets involved in another murder and the marshal puts the blame on him. Madigan takes for the border looking for refuge but his gambling problems easily follow him across the border….

Cottage to Let

…Mrs. Barrington’s cottage has become a home away from home for many people during the war. His hospitality is welcomed by all, but housing so many different types of people in the same place will eventually cause issues……

Roar of the Press

…Wally and Alice are newlyweds, ready to enjoy the rest of their life together. Wally works as a reporter for the Globe and he tends to put his job on highest priority. This seems like a great thing that will keep the family financially stable however when Wally stumbles upon a corpse outside a building he immediately gets involved in the dangerous case……

Phantom Cowboy

…Bill discovers that he have a lookalike, the Phantom cowboy. Not only is his lookalike involved with bank robberies, he also has a gang of cowboys led by Buck on his tracks……

Devil Riders

…Tom Farrell starts a stagecoach line to Mesa City. The new line competes with Billy Carson’s pony express. Instead of becoming hostile towards Tom, Billy fights off the first attach on the stagecoach. Tom and Billy become quite friendly until someone starts sabotaging their business……

Killer Dill

…Johnny has a nice job as a salesman, however this isn’t enough for his girlfriend and she leaves him. Fed up with being the nice guy, Johnny decides to take on a more fearsome image and join the mobster ranks. Where will that take him?…

Hoosier Schoolboy

…Shockey Carter is the school’s black sheep, constantly getting into trouble. If this isn’t enough, his father is also involved with a milk strike between the local farmers who want better prices and the store owner who is beating their prices by getting the milk from other towns close by. Mary is the new teacher in town, and her job is to fix everything!…

Bulldog Drummond Escapes

…Detective Hugh Drummond is coming back to London to celebrate the birth of his ex-partner’s child. On the way to their meeting spot, Drummond comes across a damsel in distress, Phyllis. Her driver is dead and she is close to going insane. It’s up to Drummond to figure out whether what’s happening with Phyllis is just a series of unfortunate events or there is something more sinister going on….

Code of the Cactus

…Blackton and his men are modernizing the cattle business by bringing trucks, machine guns and what not. Old fashioned farmers are having a hard time because of him and they ask the famous Lightning Bill Carson for help. Unfortunately Bill doesn’t feel like getting involved, that is until Blackton swipes a government contract that Bill was planning to get……