"Spider Baby" (1968) - Watch and Download Free!

Bruno is the caretaker or three orphaned mentally ill kids. They all live in a big mansion which is falling apart due to…

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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-fi, Thriller.

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More about Spider Baby (1968)

BnWMovies.com 3.8
  • Summary:   Bruno is the caretaker or three orphaned mentally ill kids. They all live in a big mansion which is falling apart due to lack of maintenance. The price of the estate spurs the interest of some distant relatives who have decided to attempt to claim it as their own, however it appears they have very little experience dealing with raging insane people...
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Comedy, Horror, Sci-fi, Thriller
  • Directed by:   Jack Hill
Spider Baby (1968) Spider Baby
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"Spider Baby" (1968) Cast:

  • Lon Chaney, Jr. - Bruno
  • Carol Ohmart - Emily Howe
  • Quinn Redeker - Peter Howe
  • Beverly Washburn - Elizabeth Merrye
  • Jill Banner - Virginia Merrye
  • Sid Haig - Ralph Merrye
  • Mary Mitchel - Ann Morris
  • Karl Schanzer - Schlocker
  • Mantan Moreland - the Messenger
  • Carolyn Cooper - Aunt Clara
  • Joan Keller Stern - Aunt Martha


  1. one of Lon Cheney Junior’s better movies …
    the two nymphettes, Virginia and Elizabeth, de:

  2. I did a double take… Ralph was played by none other than Sid Haig! A very young Sid Haig! I’m thinking Rob Zombie must have seen this at some point! Brilliant!

  3. The house exterior looked like it might have been the one in “Psycho”.

  4. I love it

  5. I loved it. Was delighted and surprised with the story line. Thank you.

  6. One of the best . This had a spark others missed. Not one of mantans best though by 68 he needed to move on to newer things.I was glad to see him all the same.It would be fun to see them all together in another film .Areal b movie with it all ,Horror love family bonding & even softcore with in good bounds. Bruce

  7. Thank you. You keep very interesting movies. It has come from human history, American history, I love it.

  8. Thank you. I love American cinema’ history.

  9. It looks more like the Psycho movie house/motel. Nice old house

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