"The Big Show" (1936) - Watch and Download Free!

Tom Ford is a cowboy movie star who also happens to owe a lot of money to a gangster named Rico. Tom dies…

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Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Western.

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More about The Big Show (1936)

BnWMovies.com 3.1
  • Summary:   Tom Ford is a cowboy movie star who also happens to owe a lot of money to a gangster named Rico. Tom dies and his double, Gene Autry, is forced to take his place. When Rico comes to collect his money, he figures that if he can't take them from Gene, the only thing he could do it blackmail Lee Wilson, the mastermind behind the impersonation.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Action, Comedy, Romance, Western
  • Directed by:   Mack V. Wright
The Big Show (1936) The Big Show
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"The Big Show" (1936) Cast:

  • Gene Autry - Gene Autry & Tom Ford
  • Smiley Burnette - Frog
  • Kay Hughes - Marion Hill
  • Sally Payne - Toodles Brown
  • William Newell - Lee Wilson
  • Max Terhune - Ventriloquist


  1. Hi… can you possibly tell me any info you have Rex King in this movie? It would be really amazing… he might be my boyfriend’s biological grandfather…

  2. Hi Erin, I wasn’t able to find much. Probably things that you already know… He was born in 1909 in Arizona and I found a picture of him on ebay.

  3. “Tom Ford” doesn’t die. He is off on a fishing trip after finishing a movie and can’t be found. “Lee Wilson” (William Newells) a movie pubicity man talks Gene Autry into impersonating “Tom Ford” at The Texas Centennial Exposition in Dallas and then the complications begin. LOL.
    There are some good shots of Fair Park during the exposition as well as those of “The Cavalcade Of Texas”, an elobarate historical pageant, which was a feature of World’s Fairs at the time.
    Not your usual “Grade B Western Singing Cowboy Meets Girl Movie” . For history Nerds it is something of an archival Time Capsule of 1936.

  4. You can visit the “set” of “The Big Show” at Fair Park in Dallas. Most of it hasn’t changed and there has been a lot of restoration and it looks much as it did in 1936.

  5. Rex King played the part of the Expositions publicity agent in the movie.

  6. lovely film thank you.

  7. This is a fun Autry flick with lots of good western music, a lot of fun and, wonder of wonders, the cowboy hero even kissed ‘the gal.’ Question, the opening showed an African-American singing group, but they never sang. I spent the day with Smiley and Rufe Davis and it was one of the most fun times I ever had. At the time the two were in “Petticoat Junction.” A friend of mine, part of the Mustard and Gravy team was supposed to appear, but CBS axed the country stuff. Interesting remark from Smiley about the difference between Autry and Rogers, also interesting difference between the attitude of Smiley and Rufe – teevee vs. westerns. This flick is highly recommended for fans.

  8. Re: March 29th, 2015 at 7:05 AM

    It has been some time from your entry.

    You probably have the “shortened for TV” version. It is 55 minutes -vs- 71 minutes for the full version. “The Jones Boys” and “The Light Crust Boys” were omitted also with some of the action. The full length version is available from the Autry Museum in Los Angeles.

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