Download "Beat the Devil" (1954) for free!
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very good keep up
Don’t let the slow start keep you from watching the entire movie. An exemplary study of this genre, Jennifer Jones was superb, but all the cast did a laudable, laughable job. I really never heard much about her but, in my opinion, she was the lynch pin of the entire movie. I will look for more of her work, as she was a generation before my serious movie watching. Mr. Bogart was spot on,as expected, but the entire cast was brilliant. Kudos to the casting person, without which this would be a ho-hum movie. DON’T MISS THIS SLEEPER!
I enjoyed this movie very much. Good writers and actors, alike. Amusing storyline. Worth a watch…
Fab film, really unusual depiction of women for the time… being Clever! Great script, funny and choice one liners. Why is this not as well known as ‘Casablanca’, I personally think it’s a better film.
A + .So many great lines and super acting . Bravo to purcer Mario and administer Giulio.This is one of the must see Huston classics.
The wittiest,movie I’ve ever watched.cleverness disguised as silliness.well written and acted,but it has to be listened to very closely at times to appreciate’s good to be silly thanks!!!!!
Great movie. Great acting. Simply loved it. Thank you for making it possible for us to watch it.
Quite engrossing! Liked this movie.