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The Big Show

and Rogers, also interesting difference between the attitude of Smiley and Rufe – teevee vs. westerns. This flick is highly recommended for fans. A Nerd Re: March 29th, 2015 at 7:05 AM It has been some time from your entry. You probably have the “shortened for TV” version. It is 55 minutes -vs- 71 minutes for the full version. “The Jones Boys” and “The Light Crust Boys” were omitted also with some of the action. The full length version is availabl…

His Double Life

…ey won’t or can’t get the wholesome accountability of them. Thankyou for this site ,To give so many a chance to see role models heros & good honest tales of moral guidence .Make a use of yourself,live according to the golden rule &enjoy. bruce Christopher Myers Roland Young and Lillian Gish; what a perfect pair for this wonderful eighty-seven yer-old masterpiece of cinema. It is timeless; as entertaining today as it was when it was made. Thanks!…


…te, you can follow me on twitter, subscribe to the rss feed or you can subscribe to the email list using the form all the way down in the footer of this page. Publicity is always appreciated! Check out some of our media mentions below! Media Mentions Lauren Laverne at BBC Radio 6 – live interview Kim Komando – America’s Digital Goddess – article about Mombai MIRROR Newspaper – short quarter page writeup about the site tesEnglish teac…

The Man Who Walked Alone

…k the car was stolen and takes the two travelers with the intent to put them in jail. They end up being freed but their misfortune continues as they get caught again, this time breaking into a house. Watch the movie to see if the mischievous couple will live happily ever after or get locked up for good….

The Trail Beyond

…Rod Drew is trying to track down the missing niece of his father’s best friend. On the way he ends up chased into an old cabin where he finds a gold map and the remains of the girl’s father……


…Also known as “Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages”, this movie is a classic considered to be one of the greatest films of the silent era. It tell the story of The Boy and The Dear One who get married and look forward to a happy life together. The Boy had a troubled past and wishes to start a new life with his wife, however the underworld isn’t ready to let him go……

Slaves in Bondage

…A girl is abducted however she cleverly manages to escape and tell the press her story. Her kidnappers are part of a criminal organization which runs a brothel where they keep women as slaves. The police finally decide to take action and several women are rescued. It will take more than a single brothel raid to take down the organization……

Murder on the Campus

…id the cops back then, jumped to conclusion without evidence, so easily? So annoying. Good job again BnW. Andy The movies you have on this site are just amazing,a bygone era lost for ever. Christopher Myers If the cops were any good they would have solved the murders and, Bill, the campus newspaper reporter, would never have had a chance to solve the crime and be in the running for a Pulitzer Prize, ergo the cops have to look like bumbling fools….

Father’s Little Dividend

…A delightful comedy about the relationship between two newlyweds, Kay and Buckley, who are expecting a baby, and their parents who are too eager to help! Everyone goes crazy after they learn the good news, leading to series of hilarious scenes….

Hell’s House

…Jimmy has chosen a wrong idol to look up to – bootlegger Matt Kelly. When the police raid Matt’s operation, Jimmy ends up taking the blame because he refuses to tell the cops that Matt is running the show. Jimmy gets sent to a correctional facility, a place notorious for its inhumane conditions. It’s a matter of life and death for Jimmy to escape and show the world what is happening there, however Matt isn’t willing to help……

Below the Deadline

…Flash Ackroyd and his gang plan to rob a diamond store located in the neighborhood called “Below the Border”, famous for having the most diamonds per square foot in the world! Their plan is to trick the store’s secretary Molly in telling them when the next big shipment is coming and then to frame her boyfriend Terry, who is also a cop, by impersonating him during the robbery. Can Terry clear his name with the mob and the police on his back?…

No, No, Nanette

…Jimmy Smith is an awesome guy however he can’t keep his money in his pocket, nor can he stop making promises left and right. His wife is suspicious about his activities, his niece is trying to make an acting career using his connections… His entire world is going haywire but maybe everything will eventually work itself out……

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera is in love with one of the chorus singers, Christine. With the phantom’s help, she quickly rises to prima donna, but this is just the beginning. The Phanton takes her to his lair where she tears off his mask and reveals his hideous, deformed face. He tells her that she will be his prisoner and lets her visit her world for the last time. Christina meets her lover, Raoul, at a masked-ball and tells him everything. The Phant…

Behave Yourself

William is an accountant who has just remembered his anniversary is today! He rushes to buy his wife a present, however a dog which has been randomly following him breaks the store’s window and the owner insists that William pays for the damage. Having no money for a present, he comes home empty handed however the dog is still following him, with the hand-written present’s tag in his mouth! William’s wife is overjoyed by the ‘present’ however soo…

House on Haunted Hill

…A mad millionaire, Frederick, and his wife have invited several of their friends to an overnight party at a rented house. Each guest is promised $10,000 if they remain in the house during the entire night. They are yet to learn whether the rumors that the house is inhabited by ghosts are true or not….

The Lawless Frontier

…Dusty and his daughter Ruby are the next target of an outlaw named Zanti. Dusty manages to outsmart Zanti however this only buys him time and doesn’t solve the problem. They meet John who also wants to see the end of Zanti’s days and together they decide to seek the help of the sheriff and capture Zanti once and for all….


…An incredible movie about a future when all people are separated into thinkers or workers. The two groups never meet or interact… until one person dares to change the rules….

Curtain at Eight

…Wylie Thornton has a very successful show and is planning to move to New York in search for bigger audiences. Even though he is married, there is hardly a woman on his crew who isn’t falling for him and that creates a lot of tension. During his final show before leaving Wylie is murdered. The list of suspects is long… besides all others it even includes a monkey!…


…Inhumane work conditions in a Russian factory push one of the workers to suicide. Many of the other workers, driven by the sacrifice of their co-worker, go on strike. What they don’t know is that the unscrupulous Russian Cossacks will be assigned the task of stopping the strike, no matter what it takes……

Paradise Canyon

…Dr. Carter who has done time for a past counterfeiting offense is again a suspect in a new counterfeiting case. Regardless of his past, Carter has become a law-abiding citizen and he now runs his own traveling medicinal show. Agent John Wyatt is on the case. He joins the medicinal show crew hoping to work undercover until he find proof that will incriminate Dr. Carter again……