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Murder in Harlem

…A murder is committed at National Chemical Laboratories and two notes implicate the watchman however he doesn’t seem to be the killer. Several other suspects emerge as the investigation goes on, however the abundance of lies and false alibis make it nearly impossible for the real murderer to be found….

Jackie Robinson Story

…This is the story of Jackie Robinson, the first African-American player in major league baseball!…

Zero for Conduct

…ss, definitely check out this nutty thing. Richard Average This film is a truly enjoyable gem. From the first scene of the two boys on the train teasing each other, to the finale of tying up the housemaster, the ‘religious’ procession and the leapfrogging on the roofs the tone is spontaneous, playful and sweet. It is an innocent and light re-telling of experience. With all respect to Truffaut and later filmmakers, there is none of the dark somber…

Frontier Horizon

…New Hope Valley is a prosperous small community which began its existing right after the end of The Civil War. Everything had been going great for 50 years – until now. The state wants a dam built in place of this small community. Even though each of the citizens will get paid for their land, they decide to unite and fight against the destruction of their town….


…This is a German movie about a serial killer who murders children. The police are doing everything they can without much success. The rest of the criminals are also looking for him because their business is threatened by the constant police presence. The whole city is looking for the sick killer but can they catch him?…

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse

…Someone is on a crime spree and inspector Lohmann is on the case. His investigation is proven quite difficult since all clues point to a man who has been in a mental institution for many years – the crazed Dr. Mabuse……


…Tris Stewart is famous for his counterfeit money. Even though he is still in prison, fresh bills bearing his traits are found by a bank teller. Agents Raymond and Charles are on the case. They question him about the bills but he says he knows nothing. Soon Tris escapes prison, helped by people from the outside……

Blonde Ice

…Claire Cummings is a popular reported in San Francisco. Her popularity however is largely the result of all her marriages, the most interesting part of which are the deaths of her husbands……

The Bronze Buckaroo

…Bob and his men have traveled from Texas to Arizona to help their friend Joe who recently moved there. Joe has been gambling and has nearly agreed to sell his ranch. It’s up to Bob and his men to save the day!…

49th Parallel / The Invaders

…A group of Nazi sailors barely evade being captured by reaching a Canadian shore. Their only hope is to head towards the United States where they can seek refuge in the German embassy. The sailors led by Lieutenants Hirth terrorize the civilians they encounter along the way and soon every soldier and police officer in Canada is looking for them……

The Case of the Cunningham Heritage

…re There is something very wonderful about these short Sherlock Holmes movies. Cindy So glad i found this movie. I did not know how watson and holmes met and began working together. Good introduction to all the stories about these crime busting men. bruce The game is afoot, So began a very long series. A great start to starting your search for the rest. Trivia-H Crawfords wife played many roles thoughout series. This is my pick for best Sherlock s…

Africa Screams

…rought back lots of great memories 🙂 Thank you for the warm words! Grannye This is really great and entertaining just like going to the movies in the 40’s and the 50’s thanks so much… Geoff Wow Hadn’t seen A & B in a long long time. Felt like I was back in the 40’s & 50’s a kid again Thanks Laura Thank you so much for letting me watch some good ole movies. They bring me such a warm feeling and good laughs. Trudy Love this website…

Fall of the House of Usher

…eel, with an easy to navigate layout. Thank you for the warm words! I’ll be adding more movies this weekend! gordon gogo i just love the old classics ==chaplin–laurel and hardy thank you so much to let all this happen doug how do you download these movies? i would like to d=save some to my drive BnWMovies Follow the instructions next to the round red download button. It’s half a screen down under the video. Cory Ringdahl This page w…

Little Lord Fauntleroy

…Lord Fauntleroy and his mom live happily in America until he is requested to come back to England to claim his title as single hair of the Earl of Dorincour. Overall this seems like a great turn of events for Little Lord Fauntleroy until his happiness is interrupted by another claim for his new title….

Kid Monk Baroni

…Paul Baroni is the leader of a gang of hoodlums in New York. A priest named Callahan decides to try to turn the boy around. First he lures the boys to use the church grounds to practice fighting. Then the priest start teaching Paul boxing. Everything is going great until one night Paul’s old gang gets together with him for another fight……

Mr. Boggs Steps Out

…st at the end.All done with taste and good examples. Great family show .A true undiscovered classic Bruce . DALE R 7o percent of movies made with unknown actors fail,or are not liked I however put myself in the 30 percent on this little flick.there’s a.lot wrong with it but it’s likable what can I say?except thanks joe dina I loved that movie..its an age gone by GG Funny Christopher Myers Once again a 1930’s movie shines! What a decade for America…

The File On Thelma Jordon

…. Full of improbabilities, but suspenseful. Ironic that Wendell Corey was drunk for the first fifteen minutes…as he died young from alcoholism. Helen The spoilers are all in the “more about.” I’m glad I didn’t read that before watching the movie. Otherwise a great movie, they don’t make ’em like that anymore! Glad it didn’t spoil your movie! barb classic stanwyck, love her. Enjoyed the film. William B Not a bad drama for 1950.Barba…


…tence seems light, the people are ready to lynch – the same people who later approved Hitler’s actions going in the same direction. An ok movie , I guess this was aimed at being a recruitment film, maybe. Tom Atkins Just a fun afternoon kind of flick. True to what I recall seeing in the Saturday movie marathons in the 60s…

Battleship Potemkin

…The sailors on Battleship Potemkin protest against the government which feeds them rotten meat. Their mutiny turns into a street riot which quickly gains momentum. This movie is considered one of the most important movies in the history of silent films because it is a showcase of Eisenstein’s theories of cinema art….

The Phantom Fiend (The Lodger)

…ing it, making it available and showing it. Great Job, dale Jacquie I just read the other review for this movie. I thought it was perhaps me and my hearing, but this is really awful to try and interpret, as the soundtrack is really bad. I cannot make out, always, what it is they are saying. But, I do love old movies, esp. from other countries, so I’m going to suffer thru...I’m just appreciative of the fact this is available and for free! So THANK…